Shaun, Little Eric and Grizzly arrived with the flasks and cake tins.
"Ooh great" cheered Southey, who in anticipation had already got the mugs and plates.
Little Eric announced, "Grizzly has made coconut tarts, and I have done chocolate coated flapjack."
"That's new", commented Tetley about the tarts.
"It's Uncle Brian's recipe that I found", Grizzly replied.
"Well they are scrumptious", said Shaun.
Little Eric was about to take a bite, when she stopped, saying, "where's Allen? He never misses tea and cakes."
"He'll be here of that there is no doubt", said Tetley. "He can smell tea miles off."
And sure enough not many minutes later Allen arrived, breathless, calling out, "I have news of a walk."
"Now just calm down", said Tetley. "Have your tea and cakes first."
"Thanks", he said accepting the steaming mug from Shaun. Then shortly after, "these tarts are delicious, and the flapjack. Thanks pals as always."
"So then?, asked Southey, "what's the news."
"On Sunday, we are going to climb Ingleborough, with Uncle Bob."
"I thought he and Aunt Ann were in Keswick. Is he driving down?", queried Shaun.
"They were", replied Allen. "But remember how much rain there was on Wednesday. The campsite at Keswick is on the shores of Derwent Water. Due to the amount of rain it flooded and everyone had to leave. They were just going to return to Doncaster, but had the thought about trying to get on the site at Thornton in Lonsdale, that there are going to at Christmas. There were spaces, so that is where they are."
"Uncle Bob has not done much walking lately", said Tetley.
That's right", replied Allen. "Aunt Ann was not too happy about him going on his own, so Dad's phone call to suggest going too clinched it."
"I guess there will be another upside to them being there", laughed Grizzly. "Uncle Brian and Dad will be able to go with them again to Elaine's on Monday."
"Well all I can say, is here's to Sunday", called out Southey raising his mug.
So as arranged Dad drove us to the Thornbrook Barn caravan site, where Uncle Bob and Aunt Ann were staying.
As we approached Shaun said, it's a very misty day and the cloud looks like it will be unlikely to lift off the summit.
We were welcomed and after a little chat, Dad said, "I'll drive us the to the start."
"OK", replied Uncle Bob, getting his gear into the boot.
Ready for the off, Aunt Ann said, "have a good day, and see you later."
We parked on the verge below Storrs Common. With the low cloud, Dad and Uncle Bob took the decision to leave the big cameras in the car. Well there are other accounts of climbing Ingleborough with lots of pictures, elsewhere on the our site.
Uncle Bob had his iPhone, so a few pictures were taken, hence us being able to write a story, if rather shorter than usual.
So we say thank you to Uncle Bob for letting us use his pictures to illustrate our tale.
From the car, we followed the track Fell Lane, signed Ingleborough 2.25 miles. "Not too far then", remarked Southey.
The track climbed initially to where it becomes walled, Dad for Uncle Bob's information pointing out the low embankment that runs across the track. "This is the site of a mineral railway that once served a granite quarry on the Hawes Road", he explained.
"Let's have a selfie", said Uncle Bob.
"What a poseur you are Dad", laughed Allen.
"You lot have some room to talk", riposted Dad.
Now we strode on along the wide track stony and flooded in places after recent rains. It was glorious along here with wide open views and the fields dotted with sheep and lambs. The lane serves Crina Bottom Farm.
Just before was another signpost.
Shaun was looking at the GPS. "We have already come 1.5 miles, so by the reckoning of this signpost the distance is actually 3 miles."
"So the one at the start is telling a lie", said Little Eric.
"Maybe to encourage less active walkers to do the climb", laughed Tetley.
Uncle Bob stopped here to take the scene of Crina Bottom.
Strolling on we dropped down to the farm. Now that Ingleborough was in view, Uncle Bob snapped another picture.
"The mountain is clear of cloud", cheered Grizzly. "Maybe we will get some views after all."
The way as can be seen was on the grassy and stony path that climbs steadily with limestone escarpments above. Then a surfaced path crosses the moor, for the final ascent of three escarpments via steps to the summit plateau.
By now the wind was blowing fiercely, and we feared for a few seconds that on the last few steps to the plateau Dad would be blown over.
"Phew", breathed Southey with relief.
Grizzly's hopes of views were dashed as the mist was down again. Although the trig point is not far we could not see it from the edge. This is clearly illustrated in this shot of Uncle Bob and Dad at the trig column.
Turning and walking on the shelter was just a short way, and we got the right quadrant to be out of the wind.
"Lunch time", called out Allen, rubbing his tummy.
"I know, you're hungry", laughed Little Eric.
"No surprise there", added Tetley.
We got ourselves settled on the raised section, and before setting off, we had our picture taken.
Then a final selfie of Uncle Bob and Dad, with us behind.
"All ready lads", said Dad, as we snuggled down in the rucksack.
"Yes", replied Shaun.
So returned to the cairn on the rim and retraced our route, the wind easing once we had got down the escarpments and had come out of the mist. A large walking party were following so we stopped by some rocks for a drink.
One lady spotted the us, prompting Dad to tell the tale and mention the website.
She said, "I have been asked to go into schools to promote walking and your site might be useful to help with this."
So finally back to the car and we returned to their caravan. We stayed in the car to have our own tea and cakes. Dad went in to have tea cake and biscuits and a nice chat with Aunt Ann and Uncle Bob.
A grand day out and great to have your company Uncle Bob!!!