We met up with Uncle Eric at a
place called Cote Moor near to the village of Ravenstonedale in
Cumbria. Once Dad was ready we jumped into his rucksack and set
off. The walk up the hills was only short so to add some distance
we first took a pleasant walk across the fields climbing numerous
stiles to get over walls and fences. After passing a few isolated
houses and farms we came to a narrow road passing by the
farmhouse of Stouphill Gate.
Now Dad is a real chutney face and
eats jars and jars of it, so the sign that greeted us was heaven
sent for him! He found a jar of apple chutney but only had a £10
note and there was not enough change in the honesty tub on the
tray. Luckily for Dad, Uncle Eric came to the rescue and the jar
was tucked away in the rucksack. There were quite a few pounds in
the tray and it is nice to think that it can be left without any
one stealing it. Now if you look more closely at the photo you
might notice at the right top in the distance a signpost. This
marked our ongoing route over more fields to Bowber Head. As well
as a caravan site it is the home of Cumbria Classic Coaches and
we were all delighted to see the old buses and coaches that they
This is a Guy Arab III built in
1951 (it is as old as our Dad is too!) and originally operated by
a bus company called Lancashire United. It has an interesting
radiator cap, that reads "Feathers in our Cap" and at
the bottom Guy Motors Ltd. This fascinated us.
There were others including these -
That on the left is an AEC Regal
coach from 1948 originally owned by Florence Motors of Morecambe,
which is of course where we live. The other is a Leyland Tiger
PS1 from 1946 originally operated by Preston Corporation
Transport. Uncle Eric and Dad really do find us some interesting
things to see? If you want to find out more about the buses then
go to the website www.cumbriaclassiccoaches.co.uk
Further walking along narrow lanes
and fields eventually brought us almost back to the car. This was
the hamlet of Stennerskeugh and a walled estate called The
Street. Before we started up the hill Uncle Eric showed us this
castellated folly. Due to the high wall it was difficult to get a
photograph so please excuse us if this is not very good.
This is a remnant of Hwith House
that was demolished in 1927. It was a fine house built in 1868 by
John Hewetson, who gave it its strange name composed of the
initials of the first names of his five sons.
Finally we now commenced the climb
and after about half and hour we reached the top of Stennerskeugh
Clouds. A modest hill but interesting for areas of limestone
outcrop known as limestone pavement originally formed millions of
years ago.
Due to the solubility of limestone,
limestone pavements are associated with some very curious and
unusual landforms. The most characteristic surface feature of
limestone pavements is their division into blocks, called clints,
bounded by deep vertical fissures known as grikes.
Leaving the ridge of Stennerskeugh
Clouds we contoured left round a small valley to reach the summit
of Fell End Clouds and more limestone pavement. From here there
was a good view back to Stennerskeugh Clouds.
Dad took our photograph at the
The guidebook we were following
then said to aim for a prominent tree, still standing some 35
years on! It was then a steady descent passing an old limekiln.
These and others like them were used extensively following the
agricultural revolution to burn limestone and so produce
quicklime which was used by the farmers to spread on the land to
reduce the acidity of the soil.
Soon after we reached a narrow road
where we turned right to return to the car. It was straight and
reference to the map confirmed that it was once a Roman Road. And
so ended a fascinating walk. During the whole walk we did not see
another person. Just wonderful especially when we thought about
all the crowds there would be in the towns and cities rushing
about Christmas shopping. Uncle Eric and Dad then drove to the
village of Newbiggin on Lune, where they went to a cafe called
Lune Springs for their lunch. We had our sandwiches sitting in
the car. Well, we were hungry by now.