Tetley's 1000th walk


Date - 12th April 2024 Distance - 7 miles
Ascent -
650 ft
Map - OL41 Start point - Scorton Picnic Area (SD 50425041)


Summits Achieved

No summits were reached on this walk



It was early evening on Thursday, and despite having tea in paw and cakes, we were rather down in the dumps.

This was because Grizzly had come to tell us, "sadly the weather in the Barbon area tomorrow is not very good, so Dad and Uncle Eric have called off tomorrows' planned walk."

"Oh dear", said Allen miserably. "Lately is always seems to be rain on the days arranged to walk with Uncle Eric."

Undaunted Shaun had picked up the iPad and was tapping away. "The forecast is better for Morecambe and towards Preston. We can still just walk with Dad. Let's see if we can come up with an idea."

"A new route would be preferable to me", said Tetley. "It will be my 1000th walk and I will join you Shaun in passing this milestone."

"Absolutely", agreed Shaun. "We need a new story to celebrate that."

Grizzly piped up, "how about starting from the Scorton Picnic Area. I know we have two routes already from there, but they mostly make circuits to the east. Surely we can some up with a route on paths to the west."

"Good idea", said Allen, taking the iPad from Shaun, and opening the OS Maps app. He quickly navigated to the Scorton area and we looked over his shoulder to work out a route.

"Hmm", said Little Eric. "It would seem best to walk to Scorton village to start. Yes we have done that before, but I see no alternative."

"You are right pal", agreed Tetley.

Southey was looking intently. "Opposite the main church there is a path west that leads to the A6, then an ongoing path straight on, on the other side of the road."

"Ok so far", said Shaun brightly. "If we then go left to the junction we can pick up the paths heading north. Then take the track past Hornby Farm and to the road."

"Yep pal", replied Tetley. "Right along the road then and left on Winder Lane almost to Forton, but taking the path right to the A6 and across on path leading to Hollins Lane."

"We're nearly there", cried Little Eric excitedly. "Take the lanes to Shireshead then at Hodgsons head south to come out by Cleveley Bridge and right to the picnic area."

"Super", cheered Tetley. "Looks to be a really interesting walk. All you need to do Allen is convince Dad."

"I'll do my best, especially as it will be your 1000th walk pal."

He drained his mug and dashed off. We all had our paws crossed and as soon as Allen returned the wide smile on his face told us it was good news. "Dad likes our suggestion. So, we better have an early night to be ready for tomorrow."


The Walk

We made sure to be up and ready for the walk. "I am so excited", said Tetley. "My 1000th walk. Can't wait to get going."

"So", asked Southey. "When did you first walk pal?"

"It was the 8th August 1998 when Shaun and I did a walk in Borrowdale with Uncle Eric and Dad's sister Elaine. It is Shaun who is the founder of the group as his first walk was 15th February 1998."

"That's right pal", replied Shaun. "I also climbed my first Wainwright, Black Fell. For whatever reason after that Dad did not take us on some of the walks, and a few Dad only took me."

"But by 2001 we were going on every walk", replied Tetley. "Then in July 2004 you joined us Grizzly."

"Yes, you are right", replied Grizzly. "My first walk was 6th July 2004. I did four Wainwrights too. Ullock Pike, Long Side, Carl Side and Dodd.

"And what about you Allen?", asked Southey.

"I started walking in February 2005. It was a walk from Kirkby Lonsdale, and included a summit called Sellet Bank. Years' later it was also my 1000th summit."

"Happy days for you all", said Little Eric. "I was proud to become part of the club in March 2008. A birthday present to Dad from Aunt Wendy, and the day after I made it to the summit of Whernside. I recall it was a terrifically windy day, but nevertheless I managed to stand by the trig point to have my picture taken."

Our reminiscing was interrupted by Dad calling out, "I'm ready."

"Right", called back Shaun as we dashed out and settled in the car.

To the M6 and down a junction to join the A6 and then take Hollins Lane, turning right along the narrow lane to the start at the Scorton Picnic Area.

Soon ready and with us settled in the rucksack, we turned right out of the parking area, Shaun saying, "now along the track left signed Wyre Way."

Familiar with this section to Scorton village, as it forms part of one of the other routes we had devised from here, Tetley said, "after about half a mile we have to leave this track and take the narrow path by the fence. It is muddy but will be particularly bad this time after all the rain."

He was not wrong...

"Yuck!", exclaimed Little Eric, as Dad paddled along.

After a new kissing gate into a field, this was soft and muddy at first but then on a slight banking, drier.

Allen remarked, "we will soon pass that derelict shed."

"I don't see it", replied Grizzly. Then just a minute later he said, "now I see why. It has completely collapsed."

"Look the Blackthorn is in flower", pointed Allen. "Spring is here and nature is waking up."

"Why is it called Blackthorn?", asked Southey.

Tetley replied, "because the blossom comes out first before the leaves."

Walking on we crossed a footbridge then another over the stream... skirt private grounds, and reach the road, where it was right into the village of...

Strolling along the main street, Shaun pointed, "the path is about opposite St Peter's Church."

"Down here?", suggested Tetley.

Allen called out, "yes pal. There's the signpost rather obscured by the vegetation."

As can be seen it was through the gate and then along the track to a further gate into the field then straight across to pass under the railway.

"Aww", called out Southey. "Those sheep are begging to have their picture taken."

"Ahh well", sighed Allen. "There goes the sheep picture free story, but it is nice to see the lambs. Such a lovely time of year."

"Right here beside the railway to that gate", pointed Shaun. There he went on, "keep sharp left by the fence."

This led to the footbridge...

...over the River Wyre.

"Where now?", said Little Eric.

"Up the grassy slope to Stepstones Caravan Park", replied Shaun.

As Dad started up he slipped as it was very muddy underneath, losing traction, and falling to his knees and onto his face.

"Darn!, exclaimed Dad. "My trousers are very muddy but the camera bag largely saved getting mud on my coat."

We tried not to laugh, but were just glad he had not fallen backwards. Then Dad started to laugh, saying, "The mud will soon dry out as we head on."

Looking left, Grizzly pointed, "there is an easier and less muddy slope to get us to the top."

"If only I had taken time to see that", laughed Dad.

We followed the access passing Weavers Farm to arrive at the A6.

Grizzly called out, "that large shapely tree just coming into leaf will perhaps make nice picture,"

"Ooh look, forget-me-nots", said Little Eric.

At the A6, Southey advised, "along the track opposite, called Green Lane."

Pretty arrow straight it was muddy initially but the second half was drier. This led to Cabus Nook Lane. "Go left to the corner, and take the access track right", advised Shaun.

It crossed the Lancaster Canal... the buildings of Kiln Trees. "The map shows it as a farm, but looks to have been converted into dwellings now", remarked Tetley.

"I have some notes about this", said Grizzly. "The white building is the original farmhouse. It dates from the late 17th or early 18th century. The listing entry refers to it having a corrugated iron roof, but this has obviously been replaced by tile. It is grade II listed."

"Our route is to the right of the buildings, over that stile", pointed Southey.

"That notice is very sensible", pointed Allen. "We are all well versed in what to do, but very helpful for less experienced walkers."

Laughing Tetley said, "there have been quite a few occasions where like sods law, the cows have been sitting on path."

"Oh yes", agreed Grizzly. "We had to make a detour to get past. There was an occasion where approaching a stile a cow was looking over at us."

"I remember that", replied Dad. "I just had to be bold, the cow backing away as I climbed over."

Shaun remarked, "do you recall when we encountered those young bullocks. They could smell the food in the rucksack and were butting up against it."

"Oh yes", replied Little Eric. "Although they were only being inquisitive, we were glad to get into the next field away from them."

This next section was to involve crossing many stiles, and without exception every one was waymarked, so giving our guides Shaun and Southey a rest. Thank you Wyre Council!

Coming to this stile...

...Southey said, "we want the direction of the right hand waymark."

As Dad climbed over his trousers caught on the fence ripping them at the right knee. "Not your day", sighed Grizzly.

"No lad, but being ripped perhaps makes them more fashionable. I have had these for years and years and quite honestly I'm ready for a new pair."

At the next but one stile, Little Eric suggested, "good spot to have our picture taken."

Now, as this is Tetley's 1000th walk, we are going to have a bit of reminiscence concerning him and Shaun, being the first two members of our club, before continuing with our story.

Dad said, "I want to take a picture of just Shaun and Tetley."

Here is the first ever picture of them together taken on 3rd October 1998, on a walk from Shap summit. Tetley remarks, "I look much fluffier, and we both look younger. So many wonderful adventures since then, and on behalf of us all, thank you Dad!"

Here is Shaun on his very first walk on 15th February 1998 at the summit of Black Crag on Black Fell his first Wainwright summit.

And finally, of Tetley on his first walk on 8th August 1998 taken at Seathwaite in Borrowdale.

"Little did either of us know that we would reach the milestone of 1000 walks", said Shaun. "As you said Tetley, "thank you Dad."

So, back to the walk. After a footbridge it was immediately right over a stile to continue with the hedge on left and through a kissing gate. Here the way mark directed us right to a stile with cross pieces.

Shaun consulting the map advised, "this is where we should go right by the hedge down to Hornby Farm.

Over the stile this is what Dad did, only to find there was no way through the boundary.

"Sorry Dad", said Shaun. "I could not see the boundary on the map. It is obvious now we should not have climbed the stile."

"Never mind lad", as Dad turned back, to walk down the other side of the hedge, coming to a gate into Hornby Farm.

"There are lots of used caravans, in the yards and buildings", said Little Eric. A sign indicated some sort of business although there was no one about.

"Ahh, bluebells", pointed Southey. "Love to see them."

The track led on swinging left at a corner to the road at Ratcliffe Bridge. Along the last section, Allen called out, "primroses. Ahh, Always reminds me of dear Uncle Brian who we all miss so much."

At the road, Southey instructed, "cross Ratcliffe Bridge over the Lancaster Canal and along the road."

"Looking south along the canal will make a nice picture", said Grizzly.

As Dad strode on Shaun issued the next instruction, "we should turn left onto Winder Lane."

About to stride on, Dad was stopped by Little Eric pointing, "there's a wall post box. Please take a picture for my collection."

Passing Brae Garth on the lane, these spring flowers made a pretty picture.

Passing a small wood, Shaun looked up from the map, saying, "we are nearly at Forton. Immediately after the next house it is over the stile right."

The path skirted right of a building to a gate then along the fenced track adjacent to some nurseries to the A6 once again.

"Hmm", mused Tetley. "This might be somewhat more difficult to get along in the summer."

Pausing at the road, Southey pointed, "now over that old metal ladderstile on the far side."

As can be seen a gate, with this sign was next.

Dad set about freeing the chain, only to exclaim, "it's padlocked."

"That's not very walker friendly", stated Southey. Then adding, "perhaps because of the sheep and lambs in the field. They might escape onto the road if the gate was left open."

Crossing the field, Dad could not resist snapping this shot. "Aww, so cute", said Little Eric.

After a gate on the far side we continued in the same direction to another gate onto a fenced path to Hollins Lane.

"Go left, then right along Stony Lane", advised Shaun.

It is not often that Dad appears in the stories, but here he is reflected in a mirror.

Soon we arrived at Shireshead Church.

It would have been nice to look inside, but the cars outside indicated something was in progress. Grizzly said, "I looked this up last night. This is the former Church of St Paul now used as a meeting room. It dates from 1805, and is Grade II listed."

Southey was checking the map. "Now right along Miller Brow to at the bend go left on the track through yard."

This led to a concrete track. "Go right", said Shaun.

Dropping down Tetley suddenly pointed, "it must be over this waymarked stile on the right."

The narrow fenced track that led into Bowland Lakes lodges park.

Meandering through the access led to the road. Turning left we soon crossed Cleveley Bridge and so to the picnic area.

"What a super walk to celebrate my reaching 1000 walks", cheered Tetley. "Thank you Dad for all the adventures we have had over the years."

"You truly are the best Dad in all the world", went on Shaun.

"Hear, hear", the rest of us called out.

"You are welcome Lads. I would never want to be without you on the walks.", replied Dad.

"A walk worth repeating, when the ground is drier", suggested Little Eric

So as always, a very happy group, we returned home to tell our pals about our adventure.


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