2024 WALKS

As we start 2024, life continues much the same. Dad is still enjoying going to his concerts in Kendal and Manchester with our pals Crumble and Wayne, and to plays with Rex and Starbuck. We are so glad as these were the basis of the long friendship with Uncle Brian. We all miss him everyday, but know that he would be happy Dad is doing this. Holidays too. Plans are already in place to stay at Armathwaite Hall and Raithwaite Hall near Whitby. This does mean, like last year, fewer days for walking, but we just look forward to those days when we can get out in the countryside and on the hills and have the company of Uncle Eric on some. Here's to our adventures in 2024.

Where the text under 'walk details' is in green there is an associated story. Click the link to find out more.

Location codes: C=Cumbria, FB=Forest of Bowland, H=Howgill Fells, L=Lancashire, LD=Lake District, N=Northumberland NP=North Pennines, Y=Yorkshire, YD=Yorkshire Dales



Walk Details


Accmpnd by Map Distance (miles) Link
03/01/2024 Heaton with Oxcliffe, Heysham & Morecambe from home L   296 8.25 more...
06/01/2024 Hill Top, Docker & Docker Moor from Plain Quarry L   OL7 8.75 more...
11/01/2024 Carnforth Iron Works Trail *new* L Uncle Eric 296 7.5 more...
14/01/2024 Bentham to Burton in Lonsdale circular Y   OL41 5.75 more...
27/01/2024 Cockerham & Ellel circular L   296 3.75 more...
30/01/2024 Treasonfield, Mill Houses & Sowermire Farm from Barbon YD   OL2 5.75 more...
07/02/2024 Beetham & Holme C   OL7 6.0 more.
10/02/2024 Melling, Lodge Farm & Park House from Loyn Bridge (Shaun's 1000th walk) L   OL41 5.75 more....
25/02/2024 Long Bridge, Catshaw & Hawthornthwaite from Abbeystead L   OL41 4.25 more...
03/03/2024 River Lune - Halton to Waterworks Bridge circular L   OL41 5.75 more..
05/03/2024 The Yealands from Tewitfield L Uncle Eric OL7 5.25 more..
07/03/2024 Lancaster to Slyne L   296 6.25 more...
18/03/2024 Circuit of Buttermere LD   OL4 5.5 more....
30/03/2024 Ratherheath, Cunswick Scar & Fell Gate from Ashes Lane LD   OL7 6.5 more...
12/04/2024 Scorton & Forton (Tetley's 1000th walk) L   OL41 7.0 more...
17/04/2024 Witherslack & Meathop LD   OL7 7.25 more...
19/04/2024 Treasonfield, Mill Houses & Sowermire Farm from Barbon YD Uncle Eric OL2 6.0 more...
01/05/2024 Selside School, Whitwell Folds, Patton Bridge & Field End from Otter Bank (our 500th walk story) C Uncle Eric OL7 6.25 more...
10/05/2024 Levens Park, River Kent & Lancaster Canal C   OL7 6.5 more...
18/05/2024 Braban House, Potter Tarn, Cowan Head & Bowston from Burneside*new* LD   OL7 7.0 more...
25/05/2024 Lancashire Coastal Way, Kendal Hill & Norbreck Farm from Cockerham *new* L   296 8.25 more...
08/06/2024 Far Kiln Bank, Crook Wood & Grimecrag from Ulpha Bridge *new* LD   OL6 5.5 more...
11/06/2024 Barrowfield & Honeybee Wood from Helsington Church LD Uncle Eric OL7 3.0  
16/06/2024 River Lune - Halton to Waterworks Bridge circular L   OL41 5.75 more..
27/06/2024 Sheilhope, Ramsey Crag & South Lyham from Chatton N   340 7.5  
17/07/2024 Sunderland, Trailholme & Marsh Lea from Potts Corner L   296 4.0  
23/07/2024 Sunderland, Trailholme & Marsh Lea from Potts Corner L Uncle Eric 296 4.0  

Number of walks - 27



